One Punch Man Webcomic Saitama vs Garou Final Battle
- Hydra Cannibal: I get the flak saitama receives but in reality he's not even aware of his own limit and that's the charm of his character. The only people to survive a fight with him have had insane healing abilities. Can't wait for season 2 to come out the anime is awesome
- Salman Syed: We all know damn well it was King who defeated Garou, His attack against Black Sperm and Homeless Emperor was so powerful that it broke through the space time continuum and hit Garou in the future instead, but once again Saitama gets the credit for what other heroes have done smh.
- Abu Troll al cockroachistan: XD LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Wrench TheFag: +CoAdaMoL X0 not really fan made xD ONE drew it
- Alpha 7even: Boros the dominator of the universe as so he claims to be said he defeated every powerful lifeforms across the universe. He's capable destroying a star.
- Mr Caia.: Garou just stares at this dude: WHAT?
- Vhon Xander [Personal Channel]: Fairy Tail OST
- Alexthecutiepie: What is the song at the serious table flip
- Robin Tube: Yep
- cecchrer: song @ 21:14 ?
- Friendly Baka: ahh shit i forgot to read because of fairytail's ost olaying in the background
- GG WP: MUSIC AT THE BEGGINING PLS!!!!!!!!! i mean starting from 10 sec
- Mayjah Dixson: what chapter is this?
- Zukulent Mike: +Akid azami
Nope lol. One is specifically saving Blast for later on the series. Orochi will die during the final Battle of the monster association. And i'm betting the character known as "god" has to do something with him.
- Nick: He’d have to use the collapsing star roaring canon to do so
- Jesús Guzmán: La obra original, papa :v
- Aaron200108 YT: Indeed
- Alexis Speed105: +Rimuru is playing Loli Games Thx for this information its good to know this
- Sgt Virus9: +Cole Wogan yeah
- Alpha 7even: Well, boros is capable destroying a star with his final move.
- sunwillriseagain: hobby themes
- Moose: Can someone tell me what ost is that at 17:18 ? :D
- Rimuru is playing Loli Games: +Pk predator nope
Even first form boros can destroy planets with ease
Destroying a star is worth 5-10 planets because stars absorbs force until it reaches its limit
- keggerous: I love how Saitama is so happy that Garou can keep fighting him and take a punch!
- Real Human bean: BARCELONA FAN SINCE 2018
You’re right
- Werax Sril: Pls music name after 7:44
- Sgt Virus9: +Nick yes
- Irakli Bibileishvili: soon...
- Demon Cyborg: Me too😂
- BARCELONA FAN SINCE 2018: Lmao One is Saitama and Murata is Genos
- AdamZilla1234567 & Friends: King lost by garou anyways...Saitama is the strongest hero, no one in the entire multiverses can defeat him
- Seraphy: But he went easy on boros lol
- Guess Monster: (SPOILERS)
No, Saitama decided to let him live. Garou lost his power and returned to a human again. And after the little boy (tareo I think?) stands up for him, Garou runs away with him.
- Tera Baap: Mangakakalot
- Cole Wogan: +Sgt Virus9 yeah but he does that all the time. Like he said that about carnage kabuto, deep sea king, and just doesnt really understand saitamas power
- Ahmed Reads: I always think the same. If I had unlimited funds I'd create the most insane animations for Berserk, Vagabond, The breakers, hire a bunch of drawers to assist HxH etc...
- vincent hammons: +CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES !!! saitama is one of a kind nothing garou can do to reach those heights
- Alexis Speed105: weird thing saitama feels all the pain its just that it never breaks through so it only hurts in the skin but he is in great pain but its not fatal so he can ignore it
- V4ada Nzm ;-;: lvl 1 crook vs lvl 99 godfather
- Rimuru is playing Loli Games: +Shayan Mahmoudi that also means star busters can destroy galaxies
- Dude i got Banned from YT 5 Times: Oh heck yeah yeah
- Baby Lyn Aquino: art still looks really cool!!
thought it was gonna suck from the warning
- Cahyo Shiddiq: Its same with i think after watching the video
- Sgt Virus9: Saitama did not display anything serious against genos when they sparred that punch saitama through at genos wasn't even a serious punch because after goketsu defeated genos,genos said his strength was similar to saitama's when they sparred.
- Rimuru is playing Loli Games: Its the web comic
216 chapters ahead of the manga
- Saitama: Hi
- BmStudios: Despacito
- Hung kc007: Why Saitama answer so brilliant we all looking for a purpose in life. But when someone ask you such a complex question and the greatest answer from someone so strong that has broke his limiter. He shows that in this life if you make it complecated and try to do something that's uncontrollable but you stay to your standards of life of what you believe in and not care for anyone else you can be something so strong if you decide to be the power of something good. It's just beautiful because so many people want to find a answer in life and he says it's just a hobby hahahaha.
- Hung kc007: +Tera Baap yes
- AnOrdinary Fellow: I feel like saitama's father is blast. If not just some family member like uncle or something i dunno.
- Mr Caia.: *Cough* Alien Adolf *Cough*
- Kionie George: what's the manga episode??
- Chaotix: I sure as hell know who i'd be rooting for
- Dude i got Banned from YT 5 Times: Not even close
- Obeth Lama: And even after that the guy who defeated the guy who beat up every S class hero except 1st and few others only get A rank after that and tatsumaki or whatever her name is picks on him (i hope we can see romance here)
- Jesús Guzmán: Sorry
- Tera Baap: What you're trying to say is that we should not take life too seriously, right?
- Hell Kokonn: P2w vs game master
- ArnoldsK: Heck, he was so close to breaking his limiter, too.
- Něco Dobrého: Saitama : it's a hobby...
Garou : K.O
- The Buko Studio: +CoAdaMoL X0 Mr/Ms Gnemine Rift is right. Garou was never faster. He admitted that he is too slow for Saitama and only relies on his combat instincts/prediction of Saitama's moves that's why he seems fast even though he's not. He's moving even before his opponent moves.
- I Farted: wait, human monster is garou after eating one of those heart things?
- JonDoesGaming: I can't wait to see the anime version of this fight
- Chang'e Himero: He needs more strength and more speed to land a bigger blow
- LucS_Draco: Yes it is,the original creator of OPM cant draw very well,so he make a concept manga(like this one)then he sends it to the drawers,and they make a more detailed version of his manga
- Joon Kim: Great! I love Garou. I hope he didnt get killed by heroes. I wonder what happened to Orochi.
- Reaper VIII: 19:47 **Plays football**
- The Unknown: So, saitama lacks technique?
- CoAdaMoL X0: +Seraphy ah don't think so , ONE was asked who would win in a fight between them and he said he don't know , it would be a good fight and garou would have the advantage in hand to hand/close quarter combat .
IMO tho , garou have way better durability, have similar speed if not faster , good regeneration not good as boros tho and a massive advantage in close combat .
The only thing boros have over garou that is way better is destructive power and he have better regeneration.
If they fought I'd say Garou would win most of the fights
- g0n1s4 1: Arte.
- Shayan Mahmoudi: +Rimuru is playing Loli Games no why would it. Just watch the video i linked
- The Unknown: +Luiz Fernando Yes, that's what i'm saying. The fact that he doesn't use skill or strategy in the battle doesn't mean he does not have neither of those things. He has an actually good deal of fighting skill and intelligence, he just doesn't need it, and his lack of technique is mostly because of his boredom than simply being unskilled.
- thatkidindeed: Lol now that I think about it. I think this video would be way better if you slowed it down by half. You could time stretch the audio to fit. It would be pitched down. Who knows, maybe it would sound interesting. But there's audio software that can pitch it back up. All that aside. Thanks for the upload! I like this format of comic reading... Maybe I'm just lazy
- Léa A: I desesperately want the music from the beginning, to 10seconds. If anyone knows which, they come from fairy tail apparently, would be super nice to indicate please
- Farawell C: +14 Demon Jaggers same lol
- Kaneki Tem: Nani
- Nick: Can you tell me what themes were used
- CoAdaMoL X0: 1 normal punch fucked boros up and a one handed consecutive normal punches turned boros into mush , garou ate shit load of normal punches and even traded blows with saitama 2 handed consecutive normal punches for a while . garou is leagues above boros in durability
- Xeres - ROBLOX GAMING: What’s the song name that starts at 10 seconds?
- The Unknown: +Luiz Fernando If you think about it, saitama has far more combat experience than garou, remember that he started fighting evil as just a human, and one can learn from experience as much as formal training. Even in his first battle with a monster he manages to kill by deftly using his tie, showing his is in fact an adept fighter. Saitama surely had to learn how to fight if he wanted to keep up with the danger he was fighting and even though he didn't learned formal fighting techniques, he obviously picked a lot of tricks and developed his own self-taugh fighting style. People normally focus on the fact of how mundame and basic his training was, but almost never focus on the dangers he had to endure while training, so i think that his training also granted him excellent fighting skill and experience. That's my honest opinion, what you think?
- SmileyFaceStudios: *YOU DIE*
- thaj yeeb: Salman Syed you know its the other way around since king is S class and saitama is C class and they thought king did that
- Keao Kosu: Boros vs jiren
- ulil aufa: Why the slide is too fast i cant read perfectly...
- Impart Ur mom: This is why garou is my fav character
- Why is The limit 8mb?: Your display of each panel as it was meant to be read is very nice, but you missed a bunch of panels. Right after 3:22 :
That's a link to Chapter 87 page 7. Missing panels start at page 8 and end at page 14.
At about 7:50 there's some dialogue:
- Portgas D Ace: Is it original?😥
- Ominous Testimonials: 4:39 , interesting, exposing those bent knees towards a young prince.
- CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES !!!: Does he kill him or what? What happens?
- The Unknown: +impromptu yeah even more if you have combat experience
- lfg527: 7:43 best part of the entire fight
- Akid azami: guys. have these thought ever comes to your mind? orochi was once human. blast disappear. what if orochi was blast?
- xXaAnimEeXx T.V: What is esta mierda
- Mayjah Dixson: mumen rider = above king
- Gameswatt 641: *see's tatsumaki laying on the floor*
DIs Is FoOKinG HAx!
- Rimuru is playing Loli Games: +Alexis Speed105 He can feel pain only if he is damaged
Author confirms he has never been damaged not even by garou(Cat not included becuz the scratch is non canon and is for comedic purposes)
- johan alejandro: I will love that they could use the argument as a bait in the anime xd.
- Sgt Virus9: Well yeah he's not a trained fighter if he was his reflexes would be the best in the series.
- Pancakeloverman 69: We have to see Murata's ver. First, that's when we'll get a concrete answer, heck I remember him saying he wanted it to be more insane than the Boros fight.
- THE REAL SHIT: Can boros defeat garou in this state?
- Alpha 7even: +Emrod82 and that's saitama not even trying.
_Even those with insane healing abilities can't survive a serious punch._
- Fed ex: +James okay, this is epic
- CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES !!!: +Guess Monster where can i find the webcomic? It only goes to 109 anywhere i look for it
- Vigne: remixed Erza theme from Fairy Tail
- spg-fire: Where do you read these?
- YoviLococrazy: Where can i read the manga??
- Kuroro Lucifer: Is the webcomic
- SmileyFaceStudios: 7:44-7:53 Season 2 footage leaked?
- noobgotgame: +Cole Wogan /r/ihavereddit
- ExplosioN: Zombieman: Should I speed up the regeneration process to help him out? Nah Bald Jesus needs no help
- Hafiz Super: What happen next?
- Tera Baap: More what?
- ToXiC_ VeNoM: White Jade this is the story ONE made that Murata is using to create the current manga so you can say this more real then that one
- edward Gonzales: Is saitama actually gonna lose sometime in the distant future though?
- Cocytus X: im happy with garou he give saitama a little bit of fun.. 😃😃
- Kirei Lanford: @its often said by others too, but no evidence yet.
- Domix32123: Whats song when he transformed
- Shayan Mahmoudi: Ice guy fairy tail ost
- Boe Rathe: The real reason that i want to be rich is the give unli funds to the writers and animators and have a whole year production of one punchm
- Steven Galiniak: better yet, ONE is giving Murata all the art direction. He writes out the storyboards for Murata and Murata takes his team and brings them to life. Murata refers to ONE as Senpai all the time, it's hilarious.
- Javed Khan: Just time pass
- Anthony Rawlings: 20:04 was the closest he got to removing his limiter but I think he burned out.....
- Alpha 7even: +Dude i got Banned from YT 5 Times parody character with gag abilities.
- Nothing But Pony: I’m still trying to find a video of the actual arc ending
- David Hellsing: Most were from Fairy Tail season 1 and 2
- Ревклид Корешков: Orochi wasn't in the webcomic
- Seraphy: +CoAdaMoL X0 but if you make boros and garou battle boros will win since, yes garou has dura but then boros has strength and regeneration
- Daffa 324: For those who confused about which of the two is real... They are both real... There are two version of them which is released, ONE's and Murata Yuusuke's. The only difference is the details. You can say that Murata's version is the remaster from One's
- Franco Liza: All tracks?
- Dixiee Normis: Deep.
- smartsy is smart: If I was saitama I would troll the heck out of Garou. I'd be like "I didn't even feel that" right after Garou uses his strongest attack on me
- Paulo P.: What's the song at 0:10 ?
- Anthony Rawlings: +Spidermanxd 21 Well.....look how he tanked Saitama's serious moves and kept evolving?
- Vhon Xander [Personal Channel]: Pay-To-Win Player vs Pro Player
- Alpha 7even: Not many characters in opm can survive 1 of his punch. Boros, rover, and evil natural water are characters who actually survives saitama weak punch.
- ytmndman: Be honest - how many of you were rooting for Garou here?
- SmileyFaceStudios: All this fuss over one bloody comment?
- Twinkle Boy Corsimo: Boros can survive one punch but in serious nope
But Garou cant survive from a 15 normal punch.
- sebastian bal: es el webcomic
- zack austin: Nick I would like to know to
- Guess Monster: No problem! Happy I could help, enjoy reading! (*^▽^*)
- Guess Monster: 109 is the most recent chapter ONE has made I believe. The garou fight ended on chapter 94.
- Pk predator: +Rimuru is playing Loli Games Frieza wasn't even trying. It took just one finger for him to do it. Even Vegita from Saiyan saga showed flashbacks of him destroying planets with only two fingers. Anything from Dragon ball now can one shot boros.( Not every character tho )
- Yuk00ri Lewds: Shut the fuck up
- The Buko Studio: Watched this to see why people are saying Garou is stronger than Boros. After watching this, the only time I saw Garou do what Boros can do to Saitama when he entered that Absolute Evil mode. That's the only time he threw off Saitama far away but still not as strong how Boros hits, and Saitama never wanted to kill Garou. He only wants to kick his ass. Maybe because he was a former student of Bang or he just wants a plaything. Far from how he fought Boros where he really gave his killing blow on his last punch. Nevertheless, this fight with Garou is more impressive than Saitama's fight with Boros. This is a clear indication that ONE is getting better and better as he "writes/draws/scribbles" his story of the One Punch Man. (If he wrote the Boros fight at this current caliber of writing, it would have been more impressive than what it already was back in those years.)
- Shayan Mahmoudi: +Rimuru is playing Loli Games nope bro destroying stars is millions of times harder than planet busting. See just a robots video on this https://youtu.be/2oqvXvICklk
- DCO Zombieloverr7: orochi wasn't in the webcomic
gyoro gyoro is pyskos, and you're mom gay
- ArnoldsK: You realize that the anime is based on manga and manga is based on the webcomic, right? Lmao, leaked...
- Spidermanxd 21: Anthony Rawlings how
- Srobson Scosta: the author of this history is a genius and he is above the level of anyone.
- Twinkle Boy Corsimo: Can you guys be not mad cuz its just my oppinion idc who would win in 1v1.
- Cole Wogan: +Almighty Dankukus, the REEE r/thatsthejoke
- DarMarcus-t: im going to...
- Firstname LastName: Garou: TELL ME? WHY ARE YOU A HERO?!
Saitama: it's a hobby...
- Jonny boi: +David Capes but then mosquito would show up and its game over
- Real Human bean: lfg527
They’re currently assaultin the monster base, so, in about a few months I guess
- RebornedPhoenix0 0: Sperm lmao
- Stop Motion Toby: Who will win. Mumen Rider or Awakened Garou
- CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES !!!: +vincent hammons i know, but he was close to breaking his limit like saitama. If they were on the same level, garou knows more about technique and would've won. I still feel bad for him since he had everything he wanted in terms of power until saitama showed up. He was stronger than the entire hero association! Either way its great they let him live and i hope we at least see him again at some point. Just to see how he changes
- Clodoaldo Junior: I wanted to know the name of all the songs
- Lucas Quirino: Murata HURRY UP! We need this so BAD!
- Vhon Xander [Personal Channel]: _"Fighting you isn't fun at all"_
- Alpha 7even: No
- The Unknown: +impromptu have you a video about that "mama boy" beating martial arts?
- Cole Wogan: +Caleborn pro player vs impending DDOS attack xd
- MegaNightmare4: My favorite part is that as far as Saitama is concerned, he’s disciplining a dine and dasher.
- thatkidindeed: Watching at 0.5x speed seems to be a more natural pace. Maybe I'm just a slow reader. Seems to make it more dramatic though...
- james daer: Where do you find this?
- Myst stories: Seen and read it so many times yet the ending still gets me
- BARCELONA FAN SINCE 2018: +Real Human bean It's gonna be much longer than a few months. the fight between Ce and Phoenix man has been going on for a few months and we haven't even gotten to the executives yet
- Soon-Chang: Why Saitama said Garou is weaker. That's because he abandoned his martial arts (what makes him so powerful) for greater strength which don't even come close to Saitama's strength
- David Capes: Mumen Rider, without breaking a sweat.
- Dark Repulser05: whats the name of the music in 10:51??
- Jesus Molina: Now tell me the manga is better.
- Emrod82: He is an terrible melee figther, but his power is so absurd that his lack of skill don't event penalize him at all. He is a like a average street brawler , but with the power of destroying moons with one punch.
- David Newhart: Erza theme song remix.
- Jeelon Zockt: What's the song at 23:43 ?
- Jonny boi: +LucS_Draco i'd say he can draw well he just doesnt draw super detailed all the time
- CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES !!!: +Guess Monster ok thabk you. I thought it would go further since the manga hasnt even reached monster garou and its at 99. Thanks. Now i have more to read :)
- Fincky Feaster: This is real.
- Mr Caia.: Garou trying to be Sasuke
- James: +AnOrdinary Fellow I feel like, Saitama is blast.. before losing his hair. After losing his hair they couldn't recognize him.
Hero association can't contact blast.. it could be saitama.
King taunt that creature by using Blast name.. and instead confronted with saitama.
At tatsumaki vs saitama fight.. they'll show saitama when tatsumaki thinks about Blast.
- DimensionalML: Could awakend garou defeat orochi? I know when he was pre-woke he didn't
- iDrinkWindex: spg-fire go to one punch man reddit they have links to the manga and webcomic which is what this is from
- Sgt Virus9: +Why is The limit 8mb? that makes alot of sense.
- White Jade: Is this real?.or is it just made up.anyways if it's real the. It's awesome.
- Alpha 7even: So close? It's not so simple to achieve. It's basically unattainable. Saitama cheated the system.
- Mr Caia.: Even if he did it wouldn't matter. Saitama not only removed his limitations but continues to train every single day, at a much crazier level of course.
- Kaito Ichikawa: Boros in my opinion is stronger than garou
- FBI Open up: SmileyFaceStudios Right
- Gnemine Rift: What's funny about this whole fight is that Saitama still wasn't seriously fighting. Only because he knew Garou's perspective and was only trying to see if Garou would be able to excite him a bit. In the end, if Saitama fought seriously like how he displayed to Genos by actually moving at speeds above Boros Meteoric Burst, it's GG.
- 10.000 subscribers without videos: Damn...Saitama have bad reflexes
- kidd32888: it is not an everyday occurrence that i actually feel bad for the villein
- Natsu Dragneel: This music remind me of fairytail ...
- Rimuru is playing Loli Games: +Alexis Speed105 np fellow 9 year old army captain
- Shayan Mahmoudi: +sunwillriseagain ice guy, dragon raid, dragon fight. All fairy tail ost
- Vhon Xander [Personal Channel]: ur mom
- Deadshadow YT: Garou: "THIS IS ME?"
Me: play this is me from the greatest showman
- arckine yt: its a hobby!!!!!!! hahahahahaha
- Дикий Мир: Апрель 2019г.
- Why is The limit 8mb?: In my opinion, Boros can only defeat Garou if he does it quickly. If the battle goes on for a while, Garou will adapt and overcome Boros.
- Mr Caia.: +Anthony Rawlings What Garou was doing was turning into a God being. Note the skin appearance and steady loss of speech. Saitama would have still flattened him, as seen in 201 when they all fought one together.
- Dude i got Banned from YT 5 Times: Cuz he is a gag character
- oscar aston: Where can I find the webcomic
- Protcow: 4:14
Song names?
- Moises Morales: Does anyone know where these songs come from or names?
- fail HD: Really?
- impromptu: he doesn't do karate. he just knows how to fight. fighting to some is a natural skill that no technique can overcome. Theres some "mama" guy going around in china challenging all martial artists and kicking their ass very easily. if you know how to punch with aggression and intent to break a persons skull, and you can grapple and wrestle naturally, you don't need all the fancy stuff.
- CoAdaMoL X0: Just read the webcomic , go to chapter 93-94 not sure which one and continue it from there
- rad: +CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES !!! he did break his limiter saitama was just stronger as he continued training after Saitama broke his limiter
- Obeth Lama: Its the same anyway only few changes and the most similarity is that it takes more than 2months for every chapter ....fucckkk!!!
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One Punch Man --- Saitama Vs Garou |
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